A landscape would be naked and unnatural if we planted everything in the soil, watered, and left it to grow. The soil, as well as the plants, is very much a living entity. By mulching, we mimic nature’s way of protecting landscapes from extreme elements.
While there are many types of mulch available in the market, most are used with only aesthetics in mind. Decorative barks may be attractive, but mulch needs to serve more functions than visual pleasure alone.
We use a composted horse stable blend that provides a nutrient rich medium which releases its fertilizers slowly throughout the growing season as the plants have need. Properly applied, our mulch also provides soil protection from extremes in heat and cold, water retention and even distribution, absorptive qualities that help in prevention of soil erosion during heavy rainfall or water sheeting, and weed suppression. On top of all these benefits, it’s attractive, locally obtained, and makes good ecological use of a product that would otherwise take up more space in the landfill. Mulching your garden should be viewed less as a choice and more as fulfilling your responsibility to protect your garden.
A Living Entity
The soil, as well as the plants, is very much a living entity. By mulching, we mimic nature’s way of protecting landscapes from extreme elements.