In the name alone, a retaining wall is descriptive only in its practicality, but it can also be aesthetically pleasing and, in some cases, serve a dual purpose. Retaining walls can be situated to define pathways, enlarge planting beds, and create spatial interest in an otherwise redundant landscape. Additionally, a water feature can be used to create a natural looking waterfall. The possibilities are as endless as the types of materials that can be used to build them.
We have used TREX materials to create flowing walls with natural curves and contours to great effect. Stackable manufactured stone is a quick and sturdy way to create a retaining wall, or dry stacked natural stone can be effective for lower wall constructions. We employ innovative techniques to our projects while ensuring continuity in design, functionality and flow throughout the garden.
Many Uses
Retaining walls can be situated to define pathways, enlarge planting beds, and create spatial interest in an otherwise redundant landscape.