The further our society becomes removed from nature, the less we understand the natural and seasonal cycles of insect migrations and populations. A little knowledge of certain insect life cycles goes a long way in knowing when and how to prevent large infestations from occurring in the garden.
We fully subscribe to the theory and practices of IPM (Integrated Pest Management). Basically, this means we approach every pest problem from an environmentally sensitive standpoint, seeking to first understand the root of the problem before making hasty or knee-jerk pesticide applications. We are certified under the Department of Pesticide Regulations to apply herbicides and pesticides where necessary, but we rely on them only as a last defense.
In many cases, the addition of certain types of plants, which attract beneficial insects, can be used to mitigate pest problems before they erupt into infestations. Again this is where our consulting practices and designs aim to create infrastructures which avoid setting a garden up as a pest haven. We can’t say it enough; prevention is the first line of defense. Check out our blog, Garden Talk, for tips on keeping your garden relatively pest free.
The Root
We approach every pest problem from an environÂmentally sensitive standpoint, seeking to first understand the root of the problem before making hasty pesticide applications.